Border color of styled packages containing other elements

0 votes
asked Sep 15, 2014 in Bug by anonymous
It seems to be some problem when using skinparam for setting the border color of a styled package (frame, folder, etc) when the package contains other elements. I give an example to demonstrate:

skinparam FrameBorderColor pink
frame "First frame" {
frame "Second frame"

The above example will draw correctly the second frame (which contains nothing), but the first frame will be drawn with a black border. In fact, the color of the first frame border can be changed by setting the PackageBorderColor:

skinparam PackageBorderColor purple
skinparam FrameBorderColor pink
frame "First frame" {
frame "Second frame"

It seems that the same is true for other skinparam options, like the font color. Some options though, in particular the background color, seem to work correctly.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 17, 2014 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Best answer
Thanks for the feedback.

We have fixed your examples with the following beta:

We are very interested in you find any other issues in your tests,

commented Sep 17, 2014 by nikoapos (120 points)
Thanks for the very fast fix (and for the very nice tool you have made).

The border color works correctly in the beta version. There are though some skinparam options which still misbehave, for example the FontColor and FontSize (you can use as an example the example I gave for the BorderColor, modifying the related skinparam lines).
commented Sep 17, 2014 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Ok, we have fix this in 8008beta2:

The following diagram is working fine now:

skinparam FrameBorderColor blue
skinparam FrameFontColor green
skinparam FrameFontSize 30
frame "First frame" {
frame "Second frame"

If you find other issues, thanks for posting them!