Sequence: Note applied to the wrong message

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asked Jan 10, 2015 in Bug by piezontm (120 points)
I have a sequence diagram that I've created that admittedly has some redundant "notes".  It seems they are mainly ignored which is reasonable.  However, I was wondering the following is a bug or expected behavior.

The UML code is:

note left: TS=0000000643
note left: TS=0000000643
group GroupA
ClientA ->> ClientB : REQ
note left: TS=0000000665
ClientB -->> ClientA : RESP  (Expect: TS=0000000667)
note left: TS=0000000667
...Some Delay...
note left: TS=0000003409
note left: TS=0000003410
note left: TS=0000003411
group GroupB
ClientA ->> ClientB : REQ
note left: TS=0000003426

As the RESP mentions, I expect the RESP line to have a note with "TS=0000000667", but the generated image uses the timestamp after the "...Some Delay..." (TS=0000003411).  Is this expected behavior?  I realized the "...XXXX..." syntax does not support a note.  However, I'd also expect the "ClientB -->> ClientA: RESP" to use the very next note, not the one further down before the group.  Again I realize this may be an odd use case, but plantuml does ignore the extra notes, it just gets confused.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 10, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Thanks for the report, we will have a look on this.
