Sequence Diagram with TEOZ - Scale does not work well

0 votes
asked Feb 5, 2015 in Bug by anonymous
retagged Feb 5, 2015 by plantuml
Compared with the old formating, the new output seems wrong.
hide footbox
scale 0.5
!pragma teoz true
skinparam shadowing false
participant "Function Group\nS_ABAP_TRACE_DATA" as 1
participant "PROG\nZZZ_RECURSIVE" as 2
participant "ObjectId:7 of Class LCL_CLASS\nZZZ_RECURSIVE" as 3
1 -> 1: 
activate 1
activate 2
2 -> 2: Perform
activate 2
deactivate 2
2 -> 3: Call method ADD
activate 3
3 -> 3: Call method ADD
activate 3
3 -> 3: Call method ADD
activate 3
3 -> 3: Call method ADD
activate 3
3 -> 3: Call method ADD
activate 3
3 -> 3: Call method ADD
activate 3
deactivate 3
deactivate 3
deactivate 3
deactivate 3
deactivate 3
3 --> 2
deactivate 3
loop 2 times
2 -> 2:  SYSTEM-EXIT
activate 2
deactivate 2
2 --> 1
deactivate 2

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 19, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Thanks for the report. And sorry that it takes us more than 7 months to fix this...

The good news is that the lastest beta solves this issue.

Thanks again,