Colours for different types of components

0 votes
asked Mar 13, 2015 in To be sorted by anonymous

I'm a bit confused about how border and background colours are chosen for components. I mean, there appears to be at least 3 different defaults, as you can see in the below UML code and associated diagram. What exactly are the "rules" here? Also, is there a way I can change the border or background of one "category" without affecting the others? If I just use "skinparam componentBorderColor" and "skinparam componentBackgroundColor", everything is changed, of course. Actually, I'm almost happy with the defaults, anyhow, but I'd prefer it if components like Component1 in my example had the same border colour as Component3...

The example:

component Component1 {


component Component2

component Component3 {
  component "Sub Component"



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