continue and break for loops in activity diagrams beta.

+3 votes
asked May 21, 2015 in Wanted features by jlopezvi (300 points)


This has already been been proposed for activity diagrams in a previous year.

asked Aug 27, 2013 in Wanted features by anonymous

I suppose that it needs some considerable thinking and modifications of the activity diagrams beta. However, I think that it would be very beneficial when trying to simulate flowcharts of computer languages such as C++. It would render PlantUML even more comprehensive.

Other aspect to potentially consider are Switch-case statements, in C++ codes for example. Are there flowchart diagrams that PlantUML could not display?

Best regards,

Juan Lopez-Villarejo


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 22, 2018 by Anthony-Gaudino (5,720 points)
Those have been implemented on recent versions.
commented Jun 12, 2022 by hanfak (100 points)

How do you use continue in a repeat loop?

I have tried this:

if (is big?) then (yes)
repeat while (is Big?)
But the continue produces a syntax error.
I have looked at the source code and there is no string that looks up continue in the commands classes (the regex lookups). I dont know if we are meant to use goto? 
Is there another keyword to use?