Artifact shape in Component Diagram or globally

0 votes
asked Jun 24, 2015 in Wanted features by bond007 (400 points)
edited Jun 25, 2015 by bond007
It would be useful to have an artifact shape in component diagrams, or, even better, in any diagram.

This shape should include a text field, like a note shape. This field could be used for displaying some description and adding links to files.

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Jun 24, 2015 by plantuml (295,960 points)
selected Jun 25, 2015 by bond007
Best answer

Thanks for the suggestion.

With the last beta you can have on component or usecase diagrams:

artifact foo1
artifact foo2 as "This artifact
is defined
on several lines"
component c1
usecase u2

Is this what you are expecting ?


commented Jun 25, 2015 by bond007 (400 points)
Thank you very much!
It works:

Source code:

skinparam {
    artifact {
        BackgroundColor LightSteelBlue
        BorderColor RoyalBlue
        FontColor RoyalBlue

artifact a as One

artifact b as "


[Test] -- a
[Test Again] -- b
