I've found some bugs with arrows in a sequece diagram:
Bob ->x Alice +:
Bob -> Alice +:
Bob ->> Alice +:
Bob -\ Alice +:
Bob \\- Alice +:
Bob //-- Alice +:
Bob ->o Alice +:
Bob o\\-- Alice +:
Bob <-> Alice +:
Bob <->o Alice +:
Bob <-> Alice +:
Bob <-> Alice +:
Bob <-> Alice +:
[-> Bob
[o-> Bob
[o->o Bob
[x-> Bob
[<- Bob
[x<- Bob
Bob ->]
Bob ->o]
Bob o->o]
Bob ->x]
Bob <-]
Bob x<-]
4 problems so far identified:
[blue] After some activations (I know this is very hard-core scenario, but...) the drawing gets cropped and you cannot see more activations...
[pink] Outside activations on the left are not pointing to the latest activation but to the first instead...
[orange] after many activations, any arrow that should start/end in "one-not-represented-participant" (right handed side) will be drawn in a way it seems to go to one previous activation...
another bug I found is with the "+"/"-" to create/terminate activations automatically... They work ok as long as you don't use them with "one-not-represented-participant" (aka "[->" for exmaple) arrow... In those cases we get an error...
Sorry to report all of this in one go, but I noticed the (4) and while generating the example noticed the other ones as well...
Thanks for all your work :)