Please provide stereotyped kinparams for arrows in component diagrams

0 votes
asked Sep 10, 2015 in Closed feature request by jeroentbt (200 points)

Please provide stereotyped skinparams for arrows in component diagrams.

Suggested syntax:

skinparam ArrowColor<<read>> #green
skinparam ArrowColor<<write>> #line.dashed:blue;text:coral
component node1
component node2
component node3
node1 --> node2 <<read>> : link1
node1 --> node3 <<write>> : link2
node2 --> node3 #coral;text:red : link3

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 11, 2015 by plantuml (295,960 points)
selected Jul 14, 2018 by Anthony-Gaudino
Best answer

You can try the last beta:

With this beta, you can have:

skinparam ArrowColor<<read>> #green
skinparam ArrowColor<<write>> #line.dashed:blue;text:coral
component node1
component node2
component node3
node1 --> node2 <<read>> : link1
node1 --> node3 <<write>> : link2
node2 --> node3 #coral;text:red : link3

skinparam componentArrowColor is also valid, but the recommended is skinparam ArrowColor.

Remember you can also set the style individually:

New syntax:

node1 -> node2 #blue;text:red

Old syntax, not recommended:

node1 -[#blue;text:red]> node2
commented Sep 11, 2015 by jeroentbt (200 points)
Seems to work rather nice!
Makes the source a lot more readable.
commented Jul 26, 2021 by anonymous
does not work when component is object