Please provide a way to escape "@startuml" in notes

0 votes
asked Sep 26, 2015 in Closed feature request by Fuhrmanator (1,700 points)

I was trying to explain how to use PlantUML with GitHub, and I ran into a problem with the @startuml and @enduml inside a note (the text is ignored).

Example of ignored text:

note as n1
""//your plantuml source//""
end note

Please provide a way to escape "@startuml" in notes.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 27, 2015 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Sep 29, 2015 by Fuhrmanator
Best answer

There is a workaround with a zero-width-space

There's one between the '@' and 's' in the following: "@​startuml"

In last beta

You can use tild (~) to escape the @startuml:

note as n1
""//your plantuml source//""
end note

This has not been very tested, so feeback is welcome!

commented Aug 16, 2021 by Mario
This is great! Thank you!