How to reuse same concurrent states from different outter state in state diagram

0 votes
asked Dec 16, 2015 in Wanted features by isabellf (120 points)

I wanted to represent nested component states within a state diagram using concurrent states like this:

state TopLevelComponentStateOne {
 InnerComponentAStateOne --> InnerComponentAStateTwo
 InnerComponentBStateOne --> InnerComponentBStateTwo
 InnerComponentXStateOne --> InnerComponentXStateTwo

state TopLevelComponentStateTwo {
 InnerComponentAStateTwo1 --> InnerComponentAStateOne1
 InnerComponentBStateTwo1 --> InnerComponentBStateOne1
 InnerComponentXStateTwo1 --> InnerComponentXStateOne1
TopLevelComponentStateOne --> TopLevelComponentStateTwo
TopLevelComponentStateTwo --> TopLevelComponentStateOne


However, I'd expect to be able to reuse "InnerComponentAStateTwo" in both  "TopLevelComponentStateTwo" and "TopLevelComponentStateOne" , however if I try to do this I get: "The state has been created in a concurrent state" error.

So as a workaround I made it unique by adding a '1' suffix ...

Maybe I should use a different approach, but my system really allows componentA to have the same state even if it's container has a different state.  If this is a limitation, I'd be willing to test a beta that fixes it!

Thank you.

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