Please provide a way to change the tables background color in titles

0 votes
asked Jan 27, 2016 in Closed feature request by mirecg (220 points)
Please provide a way to change the tables background color in titles.

Also I would like to have odd-even rows colorings.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Jul 8, 2018 by Anthony-Gaudino
Best answer

With last beta:

You can now have:

|= |= table |= header |
| a | table | row |
|<#FF8080> red |<#80FF80> green |<#8080FF> blue |
<#yellow>| b | table | row |


Is this what you are looking for ?

For odd-even rows colorings, the most difficult is to find a nice syntax.
Any suggestions ?
We could allow something like <odd:#yellow><even:#blue> in the table header ?

commented Jan 28, 2016 by mirecg (220 points)
It even works when I place the color in front of a row, which sets background color for the whole row.