Will you add swimlanes to Acticity Diagrams?

+2 votes
asked Mar 27, 2013 in Wanted features by anonymous

swimlanes tell me who is responsible for an action.

E.g. a class represents a swimlane, the method calls another method in another class, which is a swimlane on its own.

It helps to understand complexity.

Look for example to the last example in your new Activity diagram examples: There is no "separation of concern". It is hard to understand who is responsible for the actions.

I could imagine something like


Best regards,


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2013 by anonymous
I would take Bonita as a model (not Activity diagrams but Business Modeling Notation):


It is open source.

I would not make it complicated:

* No nested swimlanes

* Just horizontal ones, no vertical

* Maybe you can adapt something what you already have

* Could be just two lines with a vertikal textbox on the side on the left

I use bonitas Business Process Modelling for source code! very often. I misuse it for this purpose. And it helps me a lot.

Everything becomes complicated in software development and my impression is in the last years more than before.

I cannot think that a programmer can cope with this situation without some modelling help.

And your tool is great for this purpose! (Very fast. I use gvim (on windows), F5 generate -> voilà).

Thank you very much. Ich will propagate it to others ...
+1 vote
answered May 22, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)


In version 7967, you can use this as beta feature;

if (foo) then
:back to swinline1;
:back to swinline2;


Some points are still missing:

  • Title for swimlanes
  • Swimlanes separations
  • ...

Tests and feedback are welcome, especially on the syntax itself : is it really convinient ?


commented Jun 7, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Thanks for the report : this has been solved in version 7969.

commented Feb 7, 2014 by anonymous
The concept is great, but the Activity syntax feels a bit kludgy.

Aside from missing some labeling, it is very positional in nature and not as declarative as I had hoped.

I was hoping for something more like:


swimlane Swimlane1
swimlane Swimlane2

Swimlane1.first --> Swimlane1.second : label1
Swimlane1.second --> Swimlane2.third : label2
Swimlane2.third --> Swimlane2.if (foo) : label3

Swimlane2 if (foo) then { Swimlane2.something : true }
Swimlane2.if (foo) else { : false }
Swimlane2.done --> Swimlane1.back to swimlane1 : return

Swimlane1.back to swimlane1 --> Swimlane2.back to swimlane2 : go back

commented Feb 7, 2014 by anonymous
Is this available in the Confluence Plug-in?
commented Sep 7, 2015 by moishe (260 points)
Yes, I use the current confluence plugin and this feature is included.
asked Feb 15, 2016 in Bug by Fuhrmanator (1,700 points) Swimlanes not showing in SVG