Please provide a skinparam to center the text of the nodes in activity diagram.
The goal is to obtain something like this :
Instead of this :
With last beta:
You can now have:
@startuml skinparam defaultTextAlignment center start :foo very very very very long text; end @enduml
This has not been highly tested, so feedback is welcome.
This doesn't seem to work inside shape specific skinparams?
So this works:
skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
But this doesn't:
skinparam rectangle { defaultTextAlignment center}
note for future generations:
My understanding from the documentation on skinparam name { ... } scoping is that:
skinparam rectangle {
defaultTextAlignment center
Is the same as saying:
skinparam rectangledefaultTextAlignment center
For 1/ Could you precise:
This works with "object" but not with "class"?
For 2/:
object doesn't support "renaming":
That is the opposite, as:
@startuml object "Foo" as foo { ... a = 42 } @enduml