Nested concurrent states appear to be broken in a couple of ways; see the following example:
PlantUML 8043
GraphViz 2.38.0
Java 1.8.0_65
state OS1 {
state OS1.IS1 {
state IS1.1
state IS1.2 {
state IS1.2.1
' NOTE: Uncommenting the following line breaks the render
state IS1.2.2
note as Note.OS1.IS1
OS1.IS1 does NOT show proper Concurrency
Adding a 3rd level of concurrency IS1.2
breaks render (commented out)
end note
[*] -> OS1.IS1
OS1.IS1 -> [*]
state OS1.IS2 {
state IS2.1
state IS2.2
note "InnerState 1 does NOT show ANY Inner States" as Note.IS2
[*] -> OS1.IS2
OS1.IS2 -> [*]
note as Note.OS1.IS2
OS1.IS2 doesn't render ANY inner states even though they're defined
end note