Concurrent State Nesting Broken

0 votes
asked Jul 18, 2016 in Bug by anonymous

Nested concurrent states appear to be broken in a couple of ways; see the following example:

PlantUML 8043

GraphViz 2.38.0

Java 1.8.0_65


state OS1 {
    state OS1.IS1 {
        state IS1.1
        state IS1.2 {
            state IS1.2.1
            ' NOTE: Uncommenting the following line breaks the render 
            state IS1.2.2
        note as Note.OS1.IS1
            OS1.IS1 does NOT show proper Concurrency
            Adding a 3rd level of concurrency IS1.2
                breaks render (commented out)
        end note
    [*] -> OS1.IS1
    OS1.IS1 -> [*]
    state OS1.IS2 {
        state IS2.1
        state IS2.2
        note "InnerState 1 does NOT show ANY Inner States" as Note.IS2
    [*] -> OS1.IS2
    OS1.IS2 -> [*]
    note as Note.OS1.IS2
        OS1.IS2 doesn't render ANY inner states even though they're defined
    end note


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 19, 2016 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Thanks for the report.

Concurrent State implementation has to be reworked, so we need time to fix this.

We'll post a message here when a fix will be available.
+1 vote
answered Jul 20, 2016 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Finally, less rework than expected.

It should be fixed with last beta:

Few tests done, so feedback welcome!
commented Jul 20, 2016 by blamure (100 points)
Works great now - thanks.

PlantUML version 8046beta5 (8046beta5)
commented Jul 22, 2016 by anonymous

We tried installing the beta version and it says file invalid

"Could not install the file plantuml.jar. Check that the file is valid."
commented Jul 22, 2016 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Try in command line:
java -jar plantuml.jar -version

and post here the result.
commented Jul 22, 2016 by anonymous
/confluence/plugins-cache]> java -jar plantuml.jar -version
Unable to access jarfile plantuml.jar
commented Jul 22, 2016 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Looks like your plantuml.jar file is corrupted.

Can you check:
ls -l plantuml.jar
