multiplicity and role name for both ends of an association

+6 votes
asked Sep 20, 2016 in Wanted features by anonymous

Currently there doesn't seem to be a way to specify both the role name and multiplicity for an association end.


One could, in theory, do something like this

Transaction "1 initiating" -> "* initiators" ActorRole


however this converts the "*" into a dot, plus the layout is really bad; in UML digrams one normally places the end name and the end multiplicity on different sides of the line.


Perhaps a new syntax could be introduced, e.g.

Transaction[1] "initiating" -> "initiators" ActorRole[*]


(where [1] would be optional/default).



commented Sep 28, 2016 by anonymous
To work around this, I just append the multiplicity to the label string. Not ideal, since the layout can sometimes be confusing. But it gets the point across.
commented Feb 7, 2017 by anonymous
edited Feb 7, 2017 by
To get rid of the dot you could try the ~ characer to escape the creole formatting:
Transaction "1 initiating" --> "~* initiators" ActorRole
commented Nov 23, 2017 by R.M.Sluimers (100 points)
I second this. I have the same issue. Role names and multiplicity don't fit if you've only go one label.
commented Aug 27, 2018 by mhaaz (200 points)
I third this, I would also love this feature - roles are a very useful feature when one wants to describe the name of a reference to some object/class (especially if the relation goes both ways, since the current label can only describe one direction).

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