Please provide a command line option to generate a PNG map data for use in HTML

0 votes
asked Oct 6, 2016 in Closed feature request by anonymous

Please provide a command line option to generate a PNG map data for use in HTML.

Example: cat foo.txt | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipemap

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 7, 2016 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Jul 7, 2018 by Anthony-Gaudino
Best answer

With last beta:

You have a new -pipemap flag that print to output stream the map data:

cat foo.txt | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipemap


File foo.puml:
component foo1 as "My comp" [[]]

Then run:
type foo.puml | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipemap

commented Oct 7, 2016 by anonymous
That's perfect!
+1 vote
answered Sep 18, 2019 by valexiev (1,200 points)