Please provide a way to define a page margin and it's color

0 votes
asked Oct 20, 2016 in Closed feature request by anonymous
I would like to split a diagram into multiple pages by the 'page 4x4' command for printing them on an A4 printer. I would like to define overlap values for width and height so that it's easier to glue the separate pages together. For instance an overlap of 1cm would ease the glueing considerably.

I did already tried to generate a large png file and split it with PosteRazor, but that does not work for really huge png images.

Please provide a way to define a page margin and it's color, so I can accomplish this.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 28, 2016 by plantuml (295,760 points)
selected Jul 7, 2018 by Anthony-Gaudino
Best answer

With last beta

You can have:

page 2x2
skinparam pageMargin 5
skinparam pageExternalColor gray
skinparam pageBorderColor black

This has not been highly tested, so tell us if it does not work for you.
