Please provide support for Latex Equations

0 votes
asked Dec 11, 2016 in Closed feature request by cnglen (120 points)

Please provide support for Latex Equations, for example:


$\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} (a_i + b_i^2)$;


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 12, 2016 by plantuml (295,760 points)
selected Jul 7, 2018 by Anthony-Gaudino
Best answer

In last beta

You can have:

:<latex>\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} (a_i + b_i^2)</latex>;

Note that you have to install JLatexMath as explain at
This has not been very tested, so feedback is welcome!

commented Dec 13, 2016 by cnglen (120 points)
1. When setting larger dpi, for example:  skinparam dpi 200, the equation in png is ambiguous
2. The background color of equation can't be set independently.

#+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file ../image/machine_learning_theory_frame.png
  left to right direction
  skinparam dpi 200
  skinparam componentStyle uml2
  [<latex>P(y|\mathbf{x}) \mbox{ or } f(\mathbf{x})+\epsilon</latex>] as fx
  [<latex>\mathcal{D}</latex>] as D
  [<latex>\mathcal{H}</latex>] as H
  [<latex>\mathcal{g}</latex>] as g
  [<latex>P(\mathbf{x})</latex>] as Px
  (<latex>\mathcal{A}</latex>) as A
  Px --> D
  fx --> D
  D --> A
  H --> A
  A --> g
  g .-> fx: <latex>\mbox{Loss}(f,g)</latex>
commented Dec 13, 2016 by plantuml (295,760 points)
Ok, thanks.
With last beta
You can have:
left to right direction
skinparam dpi 192
skinparam componentStyle uml2
[<back:gray><latex>P(y|\mathbf{x}) \mbox{ or } f(\mathbf{x})+\epsilon</latex></back>] as fx
[<color:blue><latex>\mathcal{D}</latex></color>] as D
[<latex>\mathcal{H}</latex>] as H
[<latex>\mathcal{g}</latex>] as g
[<latex>P(\mathbf{x})</latex>] as Px
(<latex>\mathcal{A}</latex>) as A
Px --> D
fx --> D
D --> A
H --> A
A --> g
g .-> fx: <latex>\mbox{Loss}(f,g)</latex>