I am trying to create a diagram that is showing high level coverage of the prodcuers / messaging / consumer design within an application. I would like for the producers to be in a vertical column, the exchanges/queues to be in another column and the consumers in a final column. The diagram is a left to right direction diagram and i would like this to be preserved.
I have tried to use box in order to do this but i am getting syntax exceptions that i am not sure how to resolve. Could you provide some advice please?
EDIT: error is:
sytnax error?
box "Producers" #5fddd6
agent "eia" as producer1
did you mean:
agent- "eia" as producer1
title Queue design document
box "Producers" #5fddd6
agent "eia" as producer1 #LightGreen
agent "epa" as producer2 #LightGreen
agent "mft" as producer3 #LightGreen
agent "EP" as producer4 #LightGreen
agent "eps2" as producer5 #LightGreen
end box
box "Messaging" #bb7068
agent "exchange.ia.in" as ex2 #LightGrey
agent "exchange.bi.support.dead-letter" as ex4 #LightGrey
agent "exchange.epa.out" as ex5 #LightGrey
agent "exchange.eps.creditTransfer" as ex6 #LightGrey
queue "queue.eiacore.mft" as q1 #LightBlue
queue "queue.epa.req.MT103" as q2 #LightBlue
queue "queue.epa.req.MT192" as q3 #LightBlue
queue "queue.epa.req.MT202" as q4 #LightBlue
queue "queue.epa.req.MT199" as q5 #LightBlue
queue "queue.epa.req.cdttrftxinf" as q6 #LightBlue
queue "queue.epa.req.fitofipmtcxlreq" as q7 #LightBlue
queue "queue.eia.rsp.swift.main" as q9 #LightBlue
queue "queue.eia.rsp.error.main" as q10 #LightBlue
queue "queue.eia.rsp.sepa" as q11 #LightBlue
queue "REQ.SWIFT.LQ" as q12 #LightBlue
queue "queue.ia.events" as q13 #LightBlue
queue "queue.eia.rsp.clearing" as q14 #LightBlue
end box
Box "Consumers" #6fc65f
agent "epa" as consumer1 #LightYellow
agent "eia" as consumer2 #LightYellow
end box
producer1 --> ex2
producer1 --> "#" ex4
ex2 --> "rk.ia.swift.mt103" q2
ex2 --> "rk.ia.swift.mt192" q3
ex2 --> "rk.ia.swift.mt202" q4
ex2 --> "rk.ia.swift.mt199" q5
ex2 --> "rk.ia.sepa.cdttrftxinf" q6
ex2 --> "rk.ia.sepa.fitofipmtcxlreq" q7
q2 --> consumer1
q3 --> consumer1
q4 --> consumer1
q5 --> consumer1
q6 --> consumer1
q7 --> consumer1
producer2 --> ex5
ex5 --> "rk.epa.swift,\nrk.epa.ar.mt900,\nrk.epa.ar.mt910,\nrk.epa.ar.mt940,\nrk.epa.ar.mt950" q9
ex5 --> "rk.epa.error.main" q10
ex5 --> "rk.epa.sepa" q11
q9 --> consumer2
q10 --> consumer2
q11 --> consumer2
producer3 --> q12
ex2 --> "rk.eiacore.mft" q1
q1 --> consumer2
q12 --> consumer2
producer4 --> "rk.ia.event" q13
q13 --> consumer2
producer5 --> ex6
ex6 --> "creditTransfer.clearingResponse" q14
q14 --> consumer2