Teoz won't colour an 'activate' unless a message is sent to it

0 votes
asked Jul 24, 2017 in To be sorted by Pod (140 points)
teoz and puma colour these diagrams completely differently! I would expect the diagrams to colour as puma does, which is to "obey" the colouring I give it in the activate command.

!pragma teoz true
participant A
participant C
participant B

activate A #FireBrick
activate B #FireBrick

A -> B
activate B #Yellow

activate C #FireBrick

A -> C
C --> A

deactivate B
deactivate C
A -> C

activate A #LightBlue
activate C #Green
C ->> B
C --> A
deactivate C

A -> C : need to send\nmessage otherwise\nerror
activate C #Green
C ->> B
C --> A
deactivate C





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