class: Line breaks in table breaks the table

+1 vote
asked Jul 27, 2017 in Bug by boshka (3,960 points)
Can this be worked around?
class "Test Table" as root.Test #silver {
    .. Properties ..
    Description: <color:red>test</color>
| Col A | Col B |\n| text\nA | text B |
    .. Objects ..
    operations: [Array]

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 5, 2017 by laverdure (200 points)


is it something like | Col A  | Col B  |

                              | Text A | Text B | 

you want ? two columns and two raws ? 

if yes, just remove \n after text and before A to make it work:

 | Col A  | Col B  |\n| Text A | Text B | 

commented Sep 26, 2017 by boshka (3,960 points)
no, i want those line breaks