activityArrowFontColor property changing elseif text font color

+1 vote
asked Aug 5, 2017 in To be sorted by laverdure (200 points)


the activityArrowFontColor property changes the color of the text in the elseif block. 

what i am using :

  • activityDiamondFontColor is set to color1
  • activityArrowFontColor is set to color2
while(condition ?) is (no)
    if (condition1) then (yes)
    (else if)elseif (condition2) then (yes) 
endwhile (yes, quit)

=> condition1 is set to color1 and condition2 is set to color2

Is it a bug ? (the plantUML jar tag is 1.2017.15)

Thank you for the investigation.

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