Is it possible to top align notes in a sequence diagram?

+2 votes
asked Aug 7, 2017 in To be sorted by anonymous

When I use note over command on two lifelines the notes are not aligned with each other. The second notes is below the first note. Is there some command to align the notes over a lifeline? 

Below is a code snippet that renders 2 notes at different vertical positions. I would like that the notes are placed on the same vertical position. 

title Align notes
actor Actor as oper
participant Participant_A as scp
participant Participant_A as ssc
hnote over scp: State_X
hnote over ssc: State_Y
commented Jul 24, 2018 by Jean-Pierre Schnyder
I am looking for exactly the same possibility. Want to be notified if this feature is added.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 1, 2018 by anonymous
We are using PlantUML to document interacting state machines and it would be very nice if the notes could be aligned, especially in diagrams that have a lot of actors.
0 votes
answered Feb 28, 2021 by The-Lu (76,660 points)

Hello A.,

Just to answer to an old unanswered question (and point out similar question/answers).

Here are some answers:

With that, we observe the expected result:

hnote over scp: State_X
/hnote over ssc: State_Y

