skinparam for database font (size)

+1 vote
asked Oct 30, 2017 in Bug by novakmi (140 points)

Seems like Database font (size) is modified by ActorFontSize skinparam rather then DatabaseFontSize. Is this bug or is it on purpose?

You may try it (e.g.

skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF-#EEEBDC
skinparam databaseBackgroundColor #FFFFFF-#DDEBDC
skinparam DatabaseFontSize 24
'skinparam ActorFontSize 24
database MyDB


skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF-#EEEBDC
skinparam databaseBackgroundColor #FFFFFF-#DDEBDC
'skinparam DatabaseFontSize 24
skinparam ActorFontSize 24
database MyDB

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