Some skinparam properties won't apply globally

0 votes
asked Dec 3, 2017 in Closed bug by Anthony-Gaudino (5,720 points)
recategorized Jan 25, 2018 by Anthony-Gaudino

This code:

skinparam classAttributeFontSize  18

Wont change any class, to change classes one must specify the stereotype, so this code:

skinparam classAttributeFontSize<<Foo>>  18

Works, but only changes font size of <<Foo>>

I noticed this happening to other properties too.

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1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2017 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Dec 9, 2017 by Anthony-Gaudino
Best answer

Could you give an example ?

Maybe we did not understand the issue, but the following diagram is working for us:

skinparam classAttributeFontSize  8
skinparam classAttributeFontSize<<Foo>>  18

class dummy {

class foo<<Foo>> {


commented Dec 9, 2017 by Anthony-Gaudino (5,720 points)
True, it works, sorry.

I have been trying a lot of things from PlantUml and I guess I did a mistake or I had more code around that would interfere with this.