Can PlantUML Generate UML2.0 file outputs?

0 votes
asked Dec 13, 2017 in Wanted features by Hightower
I often need to migrate my PlantUML diagrams to other tooling, which, if you were able to generate UML specification aligned xml files would make my life a lot easier.

Is there any tooling that can read plantUML files and perform these tasks?


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 13, 2017 by plantuml (295,720 points)
Are you talking about xmi export ?
0 votes
answered Mar 10, 2019 by gobravedave (200 points)

I have a script in Sparxs Enterprise Architect which generates a sequence diagram using PlantUML as input.

And EA.. does supports various versions of XMI if this is not the target modelling environment.

See for details.

commented Mar 10, 2019 by plantuml (295,720 points)
If needed, we could add XMI export in PlantUML to Sequence Diagram. Our issue is that it's difficult to find a comprehensive documentation about XMI for Sequence Diagram.
So any help is welcome on this subject. One option could be reverse engineering of XMI file generated by EA...
commented Mar 10, 2019 by gobravedave (200 points)
My knowledge of XMI is limited, however my knowledge of EA and the underlying object model is good. So I may be able to help piece the two together.

I think XMI will solve part of the puzzle.. however there is still a need to resolve duplicates..

let me know what is the best way to proceed..
commented Jan 5, 2022 by anonymous


The UML standard specification is not easy to read and understand, that's true. I've done some reverse engineering for Sequence Diagrams in Papyrus and Medelio, which state that they comply with UML 2.0 standard. Indeed they can exchange models (almost) without problems.

Papyrus states that the only thing that does not comply with standard in their format is the uml namespace url.

I implemented basic support for Sequence Diagram export to XMI. I issued a Pull Request:


commented Jan 5, 2022 by plantuml (295,720 points)
That's a great!

Many thanks for your contribution, I'm sure a lot of people will find it useful.

We've just merged your Pull Request and this will be definitively be integrated in next official release mid-January.

You've really done some very good job.