Rendering error on component diagram require/provide interface connection

+1 vote
asked Feb 11, 2018 in Bug by Anthony-Gaudino (5,720 points)

The minimal example bellow shows a rendering error between a require interface and a provided interface connections:

As you can see there's a straight line between the interface and the interface require, it looks like this -(-O instead of the correct -(O

Changing order of declaration of nodes, edges may fix this, but still this shouldn't be happening.

commented Apr 17, 2018 by F. Deryck
This problem is also really annoying me and is not limited to a continuation of the straight line. Just try to add some text on the line and it is even worse.

component X
interface A
interface B
interface C
interface D
X -left-( A: xxx
X -up-( B: xxx
X -right-( C: xxx
X -down-( D: xxx

Could we have a fix for that rendering problem? It was perfectly working some years ago, but as I want to use new PlantUML features, I updated the version I was using and see now regressions.

Best regards.
commented Apr 17, 2018 by plantuml (295,720 points)
Ok, thanks for the report.
This should be fixed in last beta
Tell us if it's not working for you!
commented Apr 20, 2018 by F. Deryck
This is fixing the problem. Thank you.
However, I can now see some overlap of the interface text on the other objects. See example below. "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" is now overlapping the component boxes.

component "Component\nA" as A
component "Component\nB" as B
interface "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" as X
A -right-( X
B -left-() X

Is it a known evolution or should this also be fixed?

Best regards.

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