Documentation skinparameters

0 votes
asked Jul 4, 2018 in Closed bug by albert (3,540 points)
recategorized Jul 5, 2018 by albert

There a lot of skin parameters, but only of a few there is some documentation with the different chart types.

It would be beneficial to have a list with the meaning (and charts where the parameter has an influence).

With the option -language one can get an overview of the skin parameters but no explanation and e.g. the skin parameter wrapWidth is missing in this list.

(question as a result of Is it possible to wrap swimlane headings automatically rather than using \n?)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 5, 2018 by plantuml (295,760 points)
selected Jul 5, 2018 by albert
Best answer
Thanks for the feedback. In last beta we have updated the "-language" list.

Since documentation on this is really outdated, do not hesitate to create the following page so that we've got a better documentation :-)

Thanks again
commented Jul 5, 2018 by albert (3,540 points)
wrapWidth is now in the language list.

Problem is that I'm missing the knowledge about the meaning of the different parameters  and the internals of plantuml to be able to add it.
(at the moment of writing the pages is locked).