Activation after group end does not work

0 votes
asked Sep 17, 2018 in Bug by Kapil

The activation doesn't appear for participate A in the Second section after the divider. If I remove the opt group, it works. Below is the code-

hide footbox

participant A
participant B
participant C

== First ==

activate A
A -> B: Request
activate B
B ->> A : Response
deactivate A
opt condition
B -> C : Request
activate C
C-> B : Response
deactivate C
end -----------> remove this and it will work
deactivate B

== Second ==

activate A
A -> B: Request
activate B
B ->> A : Response
deactivate A
B -> C : Request
activate C
C-> B : Response
deactivate C
deactivate B


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 17, 2018 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Thanks for the report. We will have a look on it.

Note that this is working when you use "teoz" engine which will be the default layout engine for sequence diagram some day...
