Is there a way to adjust the way the labels are oriented along the edges of the diagram? When the diagram is dense with content, it can at times be difficult to interpret it correctly. In this example, you can see that "arrived to next station" is close to 2 edges and it is not immediately clear which of them it refers to:
title Trolleybus states
hide empty description
skinparam ArrowFontSize 10
[*] --> T_off_route : start
state T_off_route
state "Trolleybus off route" as T_off_route {
state Offline
state Dispatched
Offline --> Dispatched
state T_on_route
state "Trolleybus on route" as T_on_route {
state ArrivedToStation
state DepartedFromStation
state CompletedSegment
state SkippedStation
ArrivedToStation --> DepartedFromStation : left station
DepartedFromStation --> CompletedSegment : covered first segment
CompletedSegment --> CompletedSegment : drive for 1min
CompletedSegment --> ArrivedToStation : arrived to next station
CompletedSegment --> SkippedStation : deviated from route
SkippedStation -Left-> T_off_route : ε
ArrivedToStation:- recalculate segment length\n- publish "arrival <stationID>"
DepartedFromStation: publish "departed <stationID>"
CompletedSegment: publish "completed segment"
SkippedStation: publish "skipped <stationID>
state T_off_radar
state "Trolleybus off-radar" as T_off_radar {
state LocationOutdated
state CompletelyLost
LocationOutdated --> CompletelyLost : no data for 5min
CompletelyLost: publish "<RTU_ID> is lost"
T_off_route --> T_on_route : Arrive to an\n initial station
T_on_route --> T_off_route : Go off-route\n or taken down\n by dispatcher
T_on_route --> T_off_radar : No data for 20s
T_off_radar --> T_off_route: ε
I didn't find a skinparam that would allow me to align the labels to the edges themselves, they're always horizontal.
Can this be accomplished in principle? What alternatives are there, besides manually editing the resulting SVG?