Be more UML conform.

+1 vote
asked Feb 12, 2019 in Wanted features by wawi (120 points)
Even though PlantUML has the abbreviation UML in its name, many representations are not UML-compliant!

For example the decision nodes in the activity diagram. With uml, the condition is not modeled in or at the node, but at the outgoing edges as a guard.

There can be any number of outgoing edges. Not only two.

In the UML sequence diagram, the arrowhead has a clear meaning. Open arrowhead means asynchronous message, closed arrowhead means synchronous message.

I think PlantUML should, if possible, follow the standard presentation.

mtc, wawi

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2019 by anonymous

It is possible to recreate that diagram using the following plantUML option:

skinparam conditionStyle diamond

For example:

skinparam shadowing false
skinparam conditionStyle diamond

Title: Uml-Activity-Beispiel1


:Punkte addieren;

if () then ([Punkte < 100])

    :Klausur verfehlt;

else ([Punkte >= 100])

    :Klausur bestanden;

    :Note ermitteln;


        :Note veröffentlichen;

    fork again

        :Schein ausstellen;

    end fork


