I want soild-line with teoz

+1 vote
asked Apr 25, 2019 in Wanted features by googolcore (120 points)
I want solid-line that are vertical progress line with teoz

but I know it is impossible now.
commented Apr 25, 2019 by albert (3,520 points)
A small example with what you have / the problem would be very useful as well as the plantuml version used.

The "but I know it is impossible now." is a bit confusing as well.
commented Apr 25, 2019 by Blueberry Pancake (100 points)
I think they are wanting a solid line between participants instead of dashed.  "skinparam lifelineStrategy solid" works in puma but not in TEOZ. I am also looking for how to fix this. I just started using TEOZ.

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