first of all thank you for implementing the new preprocessor. This is great.
For testing I used a Windows 10, PlantUML version 1.201906beta1, Graphviz 2.38 and JDK
I have a couple of questions that popped up while testing:
1) !functions do not allow pretty print with identation? It that a wanted feature? Meaning this is not possible:
!function $test1($name="blub")
a --> b : $name
2) While including a file that does not contain a @startuml/@enduml section works, I get a syntax error when they do.
* include.iuml
!function $test1($name="foo")
a --> b : $name
* main.puml
!include include.iuml
3) already0047 might occur when using !include within function
4) Currently the builtin functions %dirpath() and %filename() do not work for me. They appear to return empty values on an windows 10 pc.
5) %file_exists() reuqired an absolute path. Will this change or not. Is it planned that one can nest builtin functions %file_exist(%dirname() + "file")
6) !definelong and !functions cannot be mixed? I'd like to gradually migrate my plantuml files. Or is this an issue that might be connected to 2)