!preprocessorV2 error (V1.2019.5)

0 votes
asked Apr 26, 2019 in Question / help by StefanDensow (280 points)

I have a class and a sequence diagram: _view_class.puml and _view_seq.puml in https://github.com/zimtkeks/zimtkeks.github.io/tree/master/static/2019-03-08-plantuml-diagrams-without-redundancy (as ZIP)

I'm trying to convert them to preprocessorV2, so I added !preprocessorV2 to a _common.iuml, that is included in both diagrams, see this branch: https://github.com/zimtkeks/zimtkeks.github.io/tree/plantuml-preprocessor-V2/static/2019-03-08-plantuml-diagrams-without-redundancy (as ZIP)

However, I get a !preprocessorV2 syntax error with V1.2019.5, maybe because it occurs multiple times. Is that an issue in plantuml or should I take care that multiple inclusions don't happen in my diagrams (by avoiding !include_many or by using include-guards as with the C preprocessor)?

This is the generated PlantUML (from the SVG comment):

skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
hide empty members
left header
Created by @StefanDensow for PlantUML illustration.
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
hide empty members
class Concierge {
Gets a tip from a ""Tourist"", seats
him/her into a taxi and sends it to
one of the top 10 sights in the area.
+ init()
+ run() <color:blue>**ASYNC**</color>
+ add(Tourist)
- TaxiManager mTaxiManager
- List<Location> mTop10Sights
- <&lock-locked> List<Tourist> mGuests
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
hide empty members
class Tourist {
+ int payCash(amount)
- int mCashAmount
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
hide empty members
class Taxi {
Takes a ""Tourist"" to a given location,
gets a fee before dropoff.
Calls ""onAvailable()"" when
tourist has been dropped off.
- -
+ enter(Tourist)
+ goTo(Location) <color:blue>**ASYNC**</color>
- dropOff(Tourist)
- Tourist mTourist
- ITaxiListener mListener
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
hide empty members
interface ITaxiListener #tan {
- onAvailable(Taxi)
- signOff(Taxi)
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
hide empty members
class TaxiManager <<abstract>> {
""getNewInstance()"" randomly selects
a concrete ""TaxiManager"" child for
instantiation to maintain fairness
between the cab companies.
+ {static} TaxiManager getNewInstance()
+ {abstract} Optional<Taxi> requestTaxi()
.. ITaxiListener ..
+ {abstract} onAvailable(Taxi)
# List<Taxi> mAvailableTaxis
# List<Taxi> mOccupiedTaxis
# <&lock-locked> mTaxiLock 
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
hide empty members
class InstaCab {
//<Insert catchy slogan here>//
.. TaxiManager ..
+ Optional<Taxi> requestTaxi()
.. ITaxiListener ..
+ onAvailable(Taxi)
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
hide empty members
class SpeedyCab {
//We put the pedal to the metal!//
.. TaxiManager ..
+ Optional<Taxi> requestTaxi()
.. ITaxiListener ..
+ onAvailable(Taxi)
Concierge o..> Taxi: calls >
Concierge "1" o- -> "1" TaxiManager: calls >
Concierge o- -> Tourist: gets tip\nfrom >
Taxi <- -* TaxiManager: owns <
Taxi o-> Tourist: gets fee\nfrom >
Taxi o-[#tan]l-> ITaxiListener: calls >
ITaxiListener <-[#tan]-+ TaxiManager: provides\nimplementation <
TaxiManager <|- - InstaCab
TaxiManager <|- - SpeedyCab
PlantUML version 1.2019.05(Sat Apr 20 18:45:36 CEST 2019)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 26, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Apr 30, 2019 by StefanDensow
Best answer
Could you try with last beta http://beta.plantuml.net/plantuml.jar ?

The last beta does not required !preprocessorV2 since the new preprocessor is enabled by default there.

Thanks !
commented Apr 26, 2019 by StefanDensow (280 points)
edited Apr 26, 2019 by StefanDensow
Unfortunately, I get an error there as well - after replacing !include_many by !include (full SVG file content below).

But I do prefer a solution where I don't have to modify my editing environment when trying out preprocessorV2 - so it would be great if !preprocessorV2 worked for me. Does plantuml need a fix or my diagrams?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" contentScriptType="application/ecmascript" contentStyleType="text/css" height="103px" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="width:412px;height:103px;background:#000000;" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 412 103" width="412px" zoomAndPan="magnify"><defs/><g><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="206" x="5" y="19.5332">[From _common.iuml (line 2) ]</text><line style="stroke: #33FF02; stroke-width: 1.0;" x1="5" x2="410" y1="27.6094" y2="27.6094"/><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="71" x="5" y="47.1426">@startuml</text><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="0" x="9" y="64.752"/><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="405" x="5" y="82.3613">' this file contains definitions common to all diagram types</text><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="0" x="9" y="99.9707"/><text fill="#FF0000" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="95" x="9" y="99.9707">Syntax Error?</text><!--
' this file contains definitions common to all diagram types
' re-usable color definitions with purpose
' Consolas is ok on Windows, Menlo on macOS
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
' hide member/function areas when they would be empty anyway to save space
hide empty members
left header
Created by @StefanDensow for PlantUML illustration.
' this file contains definitions common to all diagram types
' re-usable color definitions with purpose
' Consolas is ok on Windows, Menlo on macOS
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
' hide member/function areas when they would be empty anyway to save space
hide empty members
class Concierge {
    Gets a tip from a ""Tourist"", seats
    him/her into a taxi and sends it to
    one of the top 10 sights in the area.
    + init()
    + run() <color:blue>**ASYNC**</color>
    + add(Tourist)
    - TaxiManager mTaxiManager
    - List<Location> mTop10Sights
    - <&lock-locked> List<Tourist> mGuests
' this file contains definitions common to all diagram types
' re-usable color definitions with purpose
' Consolas is ok on Windows, Menlo on macOS
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
' hide member/function areas when they would be empty anyway to save space
hide empty members
class Tourist {
    + int payCash(amount)
    - int mCashAmount
' this file contains definitions common to all diagram types
' re-usable color definitions with purpose
' Consolas is ok on Windows, Menlo on macOS
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
' hide member/function areas when they would be empty anyway to save space
hide empty members
class Taxi {
    Takes a ""Tourist"" to a given location,
    gets a fee before dropoff.
    Calls ""onAvailable()"" when
    tourist has been dropped off.
    - -
    + enter(Tourist)
    + goTo(Location) <color:blue>**ASYNC**</color>
    - dropOff(Tourist)
    - Tourist mTourist
    - ITaxiListener mListener
' this file contains definitions common to all diagram types
' re-usable color definitions with purpose
' Consolas is ok on Windows, Menlo on macOS
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
' hide member/function areas when they would be empty anyway to save space
hide empty members
interface ITaxiListener #tan {
    - onAvailable(Taxi)
    - signOff(Taxi)
' this file contains definitions common to all diagram types
' re-usable color definitions with purpose
' Consolas is ok on Windows, Menlo on macOS
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
' hide member/function areas when they would be empty anyway to save space
hide empty members
class TaxiManager <<abstract>> {
    ""getNewInstance()"" randomly selects
    a concrete ""TaxiManager"" child for
    instantiation to maintain fairness
    between the cab companies.
    + {static} TaxiManager getNewInstance()
    + {abstract} Optional<Taxi> requestTaxi()
    .. ITaxiListener ..
    + {abstract} onAvailable(Taxi)
    # List<Taxi> mAvailableTaxis
    # List<Taxi> mOccupiedTaxis
    # <&lock-locked> mTaxiLock
' this file contains definitions common to all diagram types
' re-usable color definitions with purpose
' Consolas is ok on Windows, Menlo on macOS
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
' hide member/function areas when they would be empty anyway to save space
hide empty members
class InstaCab {
    //<Insert catchy slogan here>//
    .. TaxiManager ..
    + Optional<Taxi> requestTaxi()
    .. ITaxiListener ..
    + onAvailable(Taxi)
' this file contains definitions common to all diagram types
' re-usable color definitions with purpose
' Consolas is ok on Windows, Menlo on macOS
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
' hide member/function areas when they would be empty anyway to save space
hide empty members
class SpeedyCab {
    //We put the pedal to the metal!//
    .. TaxiManager ..
    + Optional<Taxi> requestTaxi()
    .. ITaxiListener ..
    + onAvailable(Taxi)
Concierge o..> Taxi: calls >
Concierge "1" o- -> "1" TaxiManager: calls >
Concierge o- -> Tourist: gets tip\nfrom >
Taxi <- -* TaxiManager: owns <
Taxi o-> Tourist: gets fee\nfrom >
Taxi o-[#tan]l-> ITaxiListener: calls >
ITaxiListener <-[#tan]-+ TaxiManager: provides\nimplementation <
TaxiManager <|- - InstaCab
TaxiManager <|- - SpeedyCab
PlantUML version 1.2019.06beta4(Unknown compile time)
(GPL source distribution)
Java Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Java Version: 1.8.0_201-b09
Operating System: Windows 10
OS Version: 10.0
Default Encoding: Cp1252
Language: en
Country: GB
commented Apr 26, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
> Does plantuml need a fix or my diagrams?
Right now, it's plantuml that need some fix, not your diagrams.
This preprocessor V2 code is fairly new, that's why there are some issues.
But we will fix them :-)

We've just published a new beta http://beta.plantuml.net/plantuml.jar that should work better in your case.
We are curious to see the result :-)
commented Apr 26, 2019 by StefanDensow (280 points)
edited Apr 26, 2019 by StefanDensow
(2 comments, because of long stack trace and 8000 character comment limit ;-)

Thanks for the quick update! :)

I tried with this code: https://github.com/zimtkeks/zimtkeks.github.io/tree/plantuml-preprocessor-V2/static/2019-03-08-plantuml-diagrams-without-redundancy

Or, as ZIP: https://kinolien.github.io/gitzip/?download=https://github.com/zimtkeks/zimtkeks.github.io/tree/plantuml-preprocessor-V2/static/2019-03-08-plantuml-diagrams-without-redundancy

Rendering _view_class.puml works fine.
However, rendering _view_seq.puml yields a stacktrace on the command line and an error message in the SVG:

    java -jar C:\<..>\plantuml.jar -tsvg _view_seq.puml
    net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.EaterException: cannot include
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TFunctionImpl.executeVoid(TFunctionImpl.java:95)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:384)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:346)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.addPlain(TContext.java:198)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeOneLine(TContext.java:165)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeInclude(TContext.java:465)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeOneLine(TContext.java:182)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TFunctionImpl.executeVoid(TFunctionImpl.java:92)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:384)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:346)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.addPlain(TContext.java:198)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeOneLine(TContext.java:165)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeInclude(TContext.java:465)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeOneLine(TContext.java:182)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TFunctionImpl.executeVoid(TFunctionImpl.java:92)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:384)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:346)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.addPlain(TContext.java:198)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeOneLine(TContext.java:165)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TimLoader.load(TimLoader.java:63)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.BlockUml.<init>(BlockUml.java:107)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.BlockUmlBuilder.init(BlockUmlBuilder.java:127)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.BlockUmlBuilder.<init>(BlockUmlBuilder.java:79)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.SourceFileReader.<init>(SourceFileReader.java:87)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.manageFileInternal(Run.java:480)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.processArgs(Run.java:403)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.manageAllFiles(Run.java:372)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.main(Run.java:188)
    net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.EaterException: cannot include
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TFunctionImpl.executeVoid(TFunctionImpl.java:95)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:384)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:346)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.addPlain(TContext.java:198)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeOneLine(TContext.java:165)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeInclude(TContext.java:465)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeOneLine(TContext.java:182)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TFunctionImpl.executeVoid(TFunctionImpl.java:92)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:384)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:346)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.addPlain(TContext.java:198)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeOneLine(TContext.java:165)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TimLoader.load(TimLoader.java:63)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.BlockUml.<init>(BlockUml.java:107)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.BlockUmlBuilder.init(BlockUmlBuilder.java:127)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.BlockUmlBuilder.<init>(BlockUmlBuilder.java:79)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.SourceFileReader.<init>(SourceFileReader.java:87)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.manageFileInternal(Run.java:480)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.processArgs(Run.java:403)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.manageAllFiles(Run.java:372)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.main(Run.java:188)
    net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.EaterException: cannot include
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TFunctionImpl.executeVoid(TFunctionImpl.java:95)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:384)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.applyFunctionsAndVariables(TContext.java:346)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.addPlain(TContext.java:198)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TContext.executeOneLine(TContext.java:165)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.tim.TimLoader.load(TimLoader.java:63)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.BlockUml.<init>(BlockUml.java:107)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.BlockUmlBuilder.init(BlockUmlBuilder.java:127)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.BlockUmlBuilder.<init>(BlockUmlBuilder.java:79)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.SourceFileReader.<init>(SourceFileReader.java:87)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.manageFileInternal(Run.java:480)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.processArgs(Run.java:403)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.manageAllFiles(Run.java:372)
            at net.sourceforge.plantuml.Run.main(Run.java:188)
    Preprocessor Error: cannot include
    Error line 19 in file: C:\<..>\_view_seq.puml
    Some diagram description contains errors
commented Apr 26, 2019 by StefanDensow (280 points)
The SVG error message suggests that TaxiManager_DELEGATE is not expanded (maybe because it is defined in an included file block):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" contentScriptType="application/ecmascript" contentStyleType="text/css" height="138px" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="width:494px;height:138px;background:#000000;" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 494 138" width="494px" zoomAndPan="magnify"><defs/><g><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="227" x="5" y="19.5332">[From _view_seq.puml (line 20) ]</text><line style="stroke: #33FF02; stroke-width: 1.0;" x1="5" x2="492" y1="27.6094" y2="27.6094"/><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="160" x="5" y="47.1426">... (skipping 54 lines) ...</text><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="63" x="5" y="64.752">end note</text><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="471" x="21" y="82.3613">TaxiManager -&gt; TaxiManager_DELEGATE: TaxiManager_DELEGATE()</text><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="231" x="21" y="99.9707">activate TaxiManager_DELEGATE</text><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="260" x="5" y="117.5801">CALL_METHOD(Boss, Concierge, init)</text><text fill="#33FF02" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="0" x="9" y="135.1895"/><text fill="#FF0000" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="14" font-weight="bold" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" textLength="104" x="9" y="135.1895">cannot include</text><!--
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
left header
Created by @StefanDensow for PlantUML illustration.
participant Boss as "Boss <&person>"
participant Concierge
participant Tourist
participant Taxi
participant ITaxiListener #tan
participant TaxiManager
participant SpeedyCab
== Initialization ==
    Boss -> Concierge: init()
    activate Concierge
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
    Concierge -> TaxiManager: getNewInstance()
    activate TaxiManager
skinparam DefaultMonospacedFontName Menlo
note over TaxiManager
randomly decide which concrete
subclass to instantiate
end note
    TaxiManager -> TaxiManager_DELEGATE: TaxiManager_DELEGATE()
    activate TaxiManager_DELEGATE
CALL_METHOD(Boss, Concierge, init)
PlantUML version 1.2019.06beta6(Unknown compile time)
(GPL source distribution)
Java Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Java Version: 1.8.0_201-b09
Operating System: Windows 10
OS Version: 10.0
Default Encoding: Cp1252
Language: en
Country: GB
commented Apr 26, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Ok, thanks for the example.
This should be fixed in newly beta http://beta.plantuml.net/plantuml.jar
Both file _view_class.puml and _view_seq.puml seems to be working now.
There must be some other issues, so please go on with your tests and posts :-)

Thanks again!
commented Apr 30, 2019 by StefanDensow (280 points)
Yep, works well, thanks! :)
I'll continue testing..