Can I switch back to legacy preprocessor?

0 votes
asked May 29, 2019 in Bug by boshka (3,940 points)
recategorized May 30, 2019 by boshka
with the preprocessorV2 enabled by default in the latest release 2019.6, can one still switch back to the legacy preprocessor in this release?

I think many of Plantuml users have a huge number of code, based on legacy preprocessor (that can't be migrated within a reasonable time) so, as far as the legacy preprocessor is still supported, it would be really good to have an ability for a fallback.
commented Jun 4, 2019 by boshka (3,940 points)
is there any feedback on this?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
No, sorry : you cannot go back to legacy preprocessor.

However, you should be able to do everything with the new preprocessor. You can tell us if you find issues.

commented Jun 5, 2019 by boshka (3,940 points)
that looks very painful. Rolling to the new version of library will require complete refactoring of all existing diagrams codes. Is there a way to add it like

!preprocessorV2 = false ?
commented Jun 5, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Can you list the most annoying issue you have with the new preprocessor ?
Having some examples would help us to understand the impact on your diagram.

Maybe we could think about a tool that would take as input V1 preprocessing diagrams and translate them to V2 syntax.
commented Jun 6, 2019 by boshka (3,940 points)
ok, I think I've managed with my first priority needs.

The most annoying issue is that if some day I'd want to roll over to the 2019.6 and above I'll have to refactor all my legacy codes. So, yes, a converter would help in this case
commented Aug 29, 2019 by roxspring (260 points)
I've just tried upgrading my PlantUML server through 1.2019.6 and suddenly 100s of diagrams are broken. I'm absolutely stunned that you've changed the preprocessor syntax with zero backwards compatibility or even a thought for how people will migrate from old to new.

Now I'm left with the choice of reverting to 1.2019.5 or hunting down every diagram in our wiki pages and documentation and updating them - creating masses of unexpected work.

commented Aug 29, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Sorry about that. The compatibility is not supposed to be zero. Unfortunately, it's not 100%.

You can send us an example of non-working diagram so that we can see how to improve ascending compatibility.
