include file in tooltip

0 votes
asked Jul 31, 2019 in Question / help by Jason

I'm trying to create an SVG image with links in it such that I can click on the link to get the sample response body, or I can hover over the link to see a tooltip with the example response.  Here is the "code" I'm using:

note left
    [[get-response.json{!include get-response.json} example response]]

Doing this I see the text "!include get-response.json" in the tool-tip.  I tried using a !define like this, but got the same result:

!define get_response !include get-response.json
note left
[[get-metadata-response.json{get_response} example response]]

Are there any other tricks I can use to accomplish my goal?



2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 31, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Best answer
Well, I don't think it's possible right now.

But this would be a nice idea/feature so we will think about providing a way to do so.
commented Jul 31, 2019 by Jason
I thought that might be the case.  I'll keep an eye on the feature list to see if it is implemented.

Thanks for the quick reply, and your consideration of the feature.
0 votes
answered Aug 1, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)

By chance, there was another user that makes a request somehow close to yours (see )

So now, with last beta, you can have :

!function $json()
  foo1: dummy1
  foo2: dummy2

!function $get_response()
!return %retrieve_void_func("$json")

note left
[[get-metadata-response.json{$get_response()} example response]]

The %retrieve_void_func function calls the void function given in the first argument and return as a String the result of this void function.

So you can enhance this, assuming you have get-response.json and get-response2.json files in your local filesystem:

!function $getFileContent($filename)
!include $filename

!function $get_response($file)
!return %retrieve_void_func("$getFileContent", $file)

note left
[[get-metadata-response1.json{$get_response("get-response.json")} example response1]]
note right
[[get-metadata-response2.json{$get_response("get-response2.json")} example response2]]

This is a bit weird, but it works.

Is this what you were expecting ?

commented Aug 5, 2019 by Jason
Thanks for this info!  I'll give it a try today and see if I can get that to work for my needs.