I am generating input for the PlantUML sequence diagram tool from an execution log and using notes (specifically "rnote") to represent the state of each participant in a sequence diagram. When a message causes a transition in the recipient, a note containing the new state name is emitted after the message:
"Fred" --> "Barney" : Hey
rnote over "Barney" : Awake
Now, I am trying to work out how to emit a collection of notes, one for each participant, such that all notes in the collection appear on the same horizontal line (time slot) so that I can show the initial state of each participant at the top of the sequence diagram, just below the name of each participant.
participant "Fred"
participant "Barney"
rnote over "Fred" : Shouting; rnote over "Barney" : Asleep
Is it possible to arrange for a collection of notes to appear on the same line? If so, what is the syntax?