Preprocessing takes lot of time in latest versions plantuml.1.2019.8

0 votes
asked Aug 9, 2019 in Bug by Govardhan Reddy
edited Aug 9, 2019


I tested latest versions of Plantuml (1.2019.6 and 1.2019.8) and I noticed that the preprocessing (by using -preproc flagstep taking lot of time when compared with old versions like 1.2019.1 and 1.2019.4.

Here are the stats to preprocess 2500 files approximately. 

With versions 1.2019.1 and 1.2019.4 - Just 25 secs (0.4 mints)

With versions 1.2019.6 and 1.2019.8 - 480 secs (8 mints) 

I have tried with Beta also  but with the same issue.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 9, 2019 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Yes it is possible. Unfortunately, to fix this, we would need an example were preprocessing is much longer with last version. Could you contact us by email ( ? Thanks