some Chinese characters don't work.

0 votes
asked Aug 11, 2019 in Question / help by sensen (120 points)

the graphviz version tried both 2.28 and latest 2.38.

The IDE were VScode and word. the plugin is plantuml.


when include the above code, the Graphviz rendering doesn't work.  Execatly, in VScode in preview windows, no figure. In word, only png figure, no vector figure generate. 

and the below code works.


There are some other Chinese characters meet the same issue. I didn't figure out the rules. 

Some Chinese characters ok, some are not.

problem code example

@startuml test
(*) --> "
<b>test flow
^this is a test^
[重置 任务]
" as test1


working code example

@startuml test
(*) --> "
<b>test flow
^this is a test^
[重置 任务]
" as test1


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 12, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)