cannot remove shadow in sequence diagrams for all kind of participants

0 votes
asked Oct 21, 2019 in Bug by McFoggy (160 points)

In sequence diagrams, shadow can be removed only on 'participant' and 'actor' types ;  for the other types the shadow remains.

Reproduced on PlantUML-1.2019.06 & PlantUML-1.2019.12beta6

skinparam participant {
  Bordercolor none
  Backgroundcolor none
  Shadowing false

skinparam actor {
  Bordercolor none
  Backgroundcolor none
  Shadowing false

skinparam boundary {
  Bordercolor none
  Backgroundcolor none
  Shadowing false

skinparam control {
  Bordercolor none
  Backgroundcolor none
  Shadowing false

skinparam entity {
  Bordercolor none
  Backgroundcolor none
  Shadowing false

skinparam database {
  Bordercolor none
  Backgroundcolor none
  Shadowing false

skinparam collections {
  Bordercolor none
  Backgroundcolor none
  Shadowing false

participant "participant\n<size:30><&clock>" as participant
actor "actor\n<size:30><&key>" as actor
boundary "boundary\n<size:30><&beaker>" as boundary
control "control\n<size:30><&bar-chart>" as control
entity "entity\n<size:30><&circle-check>" as entity
database "database\n<size:30><&envelope-closed>" as database
collections "collection\n<size:30><&image>" as collections

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Oct 21, 2019 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Oct 21, 2019 by McFoggy
commented Oct 22, 2019 by albert (3,520 points)
@plantuml I looked at the generated image in link and I see would expect that the texts of all items would be aligned but I see that "participant" and "collection" are a bit more to the top / more to the bottom even though the icons all have size 30. It looks like it is independent of the place.

Is there an explanation for this / how to solve it / take it into account into your fix.