How to align text to the left in a container (for example a rectangle)?

+1 vote
asked Jan 14, 2020 in Question / help by rd27 (460 points)

Is it possible to  align text to the left in a container (for example a rectangle)? The following doesn't seem to work. "rect1" is always centered. Thanks! 

hide stereotype
skinparam rectangle {
    TextAlignment<<Software System>> left
rectangle rect1 <<Software System>> {
  rectangle rect2


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 18 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

Hello R.,

FYI that is now partially fixed and implemented on v1.2024.8:

- Thanks PlantUML team for your work.


Here is a workaround example:

hide stereotype
skinparam rectangle {
    TextAlignment<<Software System>> left
rectangle "rect1\t" <<Software System>> {
  rectangle rect2

