I have figured out a workaround. It's based on the following things:
- Use "together { }", to force the last 3 Use-Cases to be grouped togther
- For the last 3 Use-Cases, convert the hard lines to short dotted lines, using ".>" to create the links. It seems that the normal plain lines will ruin the positioning.
This should now work to positon some Actors on the right, as in the example below:
' ======= the actors =========
actor :Left 1: as Left1 << Human >> #f8fdff
actor :Right 1: as Right1 << Stereotype >>
actor :Left 2: as Left2 << Human >> #eaf0f9
actor :Left 3: as Left3 << Human >> #eaf0f9
actor :Left 4: as Left4 << Human >> #eaf0f9
actor :Left 5: as Left5 #eaf0f9
actor :Right 3: as Right3 #eaf0f9
actor :Right 2: as Right2 #eaf0f9
rectangle "My Rectangle" #C0C0C0 {
left to right direction
' ====== the use cases =========
(Use case A) as (UseCaseA) #83d3f6
(Use case B) as (UseCaseB) #83d3f6
(Use case C) as (UseCaseC) #83d3f6
(Use case D) as (UseCaseD) #83d3f6
(Use case E) as (UseCaseE) #83d3f6
(Use case F) as (UseCaseF) #7a97ca
(Use case G) as (UseCaseG) #7a97ca
(Use case H) as (UseCaseH) #7a97ca
(Use case I) as (UseCaseI) #ffcb0c
(Use case J) as (UseCaseJ) #ffcb0c
(Use case K) as (UseCaseK) #ffcb0c
(Use case L) as (UseCaseL) #ffcb0c
' Prevent PlantUML from re-ordering these items
together {
(Use case M) as (UseCaseM) #a4e148
(Use case N) as (UseCaseN) #a4e148
(Use case O) as (UseCaseO) #a4e148
' ==== the use case links. Note '---' means longer line ======
' These Actors are positioned on the left hand side.
' Note the Actor is referenced first, and the Use-Case second.
Left1 --- (UseCaseA)
Left1 -- (UseCaseB)
Left1 -- (UseCaseC)
Left1 -- (UseCaseD)
Left1 -- (UseCaseE)
Left2 -- (UseCaseF)
Left2 -- (UseCaseG)
(UseCaseF) .> (UseCaseA) : << extends >>
(UseCaseG) .> (UseCaseA) : << extends >>
Left3 -- (UseCaseG)
Left3 -- (UseCaseH)
(UseCaseH) .> (UseCaseD) : << extends >>
Left4 -- (UseCaseI)
Left4 -- (UseCaseJ)
Left4 -- (UseCaseK)
Left4 -- (UseCaseL)
Left5 -- (UseCaseM)
' These dotted lines will cause a better placement of the
' Use-Cases, compared to using the normal non-dotted lines.
(UseCaseM) <. (UseCaseN)
(UseCaseO) .> (UseCaseM)
' These Actors are positioned on the right hand side.
' Note the Use-Case is referenced first, and the Actor second.
(UseCaseN) --- Right3
(UseCaseA) --- Right1
(UseCaseD) --- Right2
Preview of diagram: