GANTT Year incorrect for December

0 votes
asked Feb 13, 2020 in Bug by anonymous
When creating a gantt diagram that includes the entire month December. The next year is displayed instead of the current year.


This shows 2020 as expected

project starts on 2020-11-01
[task1] starts on 2020-11-01 and ends on 2020-12-30

This displays "December 2021" instead

project starts on 2020-11-01
[task1] starts on 2020-11-01 and ends on 2020-12-31

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 6, 2020 by plantuml (295,000 points)
commented Mar 6, 2020 by Steffen Gießmann
This is true for the 2020-12-31 but if you leap over to January of the next year the problem still remains.