Sequence diagram: Double headed arrow not possible in input/output

0 votes
asked Jul 4, 2013 in Bug by ur (160 points)

there seems to be an inconsistency in the input language for sequence diagrams.

In messages between participants, double headed arrows (A<->B) are possible.

In input or output messages, the following results in a syntax error: [<->A.

Please consider fixing this.

Kind regards,



'this works
A<->B: One
->A: Two
[<-A: Two-1
<-A: Three
[->A: Three-1
'this breaks

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 16, 2018 by albert (3,520 points)
edited Jul 16, 2018 by albert
With the version of 25-05-2013 (7968) I get the error message.

I just tested it with version 1.2018.09beta6 and it looks like it is working, I didn't get an error and I get an, in my opinion correct. image.

I think the problem has been solved in the mean time.

(I didn't succeed to add the image as I was not able to add the file but you can anyway see it in the online server).