Cardinalities on relations don't render correctly when setting arrow direction

0 votes
asked Jul 8, 2013 in Bug by anonymous


This one don't render correctly (tested with lastest 7971):

foo "1" -left-> "n" dummyLeft
foo -right-> dummyRight
foo -up-> dummyUp
foo -down-> dummyDown

Also, if you set a relation, it totally hang and fails:

foo "1" -left-> "n" dummyLeft : uses
foo -right-> dummyRight
foo -up-> dummyUp
foo -down-> dummyDown

There is a net.sourceforge.plantuml.svek.EmtySvgException in this case




1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)

My guess is that you are using an old version of GraphViz (2.26 or before).
This is working fine with 2.28:

You should consider upgrading,

commented Jul 9, 2013 by anonymous

Thanks for your support.
In fact I have the problem with the latest GraphViz v2.30.1
So, I will downgrade my version.

commented Jul 9, 2013 by plantuml (295,000 points)
Could you give us your configuration? (especially OS)
We will have a look on this to see if we can fix it.
commented Jul 9, 2013 by anonymous
Here is the details:
PlantUML version 7971
Graphviz version 2.30.1
Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM
Java version 1.7.0_21-b11
Windows 7 SP1

Don't hesitate if you need more info