Eps generation is blurred and too bold

0 votes
asked Apr 21, 2020 in Bug by fandaddy

Dear all,

When I tried to generate the .eps file using

java -jar plantuml.jar file.puml -teps

the output eps file will show blurred  and too bold(ugly indeed)

However, if I tried to generate the svg file, it will be normal.

The comparison shows as below.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 21, 2020 by plantuml (295,720 points)
Could you try :

java -jar plantuml.jar file.puml -teps:text

and tell us the result ? Thanks !
commented Apr 27, 2020 by toni

Yes, it will be not bold, but blurred as before, and another terrible thing is the eps file generated will have shadows like what I attached above.


Another issue is: the svg file generated by plantuml will exceed the scope like that. How can I adjust that or it will be a bug for u to fix. Thanks!

commented Apr 27, 2020 by plantuml (295,720 points)

About showdows, you can add skinparam shadowing false to disable them.

Not sure to understand the sentence : will exceed the scope like that

commented Apr 28, 2020 by toni

Sorry, the image was not uploaded.

What I say will exceed the scope like that :

In fact, the space here I marked seems like useless. I have to ajust it using visio and it is a little inconvenient.

