Model Explorer/Navigate elements in generated SVG?

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asked Aug 5, 2020 in Wanted features by baerrach2 (220 points)
When I have a large diagram it becomes difficult to navigate around the svg.

What I'd like to be able to do is create a Model Explorer listing all the model elements so I can click on them and focus the diagram on that element.

I'd also like to see an element context view, so when an element is selected it shows the incoming and outgoing relationships.

I know this isn't what PlantUML does out of the box. But when I look at the generated SVG there is no grouping of the svg elements into logical boundaries, there is no meta-data attached to svg elements to indicate whether it was a class, a relationship or stereotypes, etc...

I'm currently using gatsby to generate my static site and include to get some basic controls, but the next level of having logical element navigation is still missing.
commented Aug 19, 2020 by baerrach2 (220 points)

As noted in

relationships have ids.

But nothing else seems to.

Shouldn't the shape that defines the UML item also have an id? The id should match the as "XXX" value if it has one.

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