Hello PlantUML Team,
[code on PlantUML online server]
Thanks for yours works,Regards,Th.
Hello all,
Awaiting style for separator, you can still try the old way... with creole:
@startuml [Task1] lasts 5 days -- **Separator title bold** -- [Task2] lasts 4 days [Task1] -> [Task2] -- <color:Green>Separator title -- then [Task3] lasts 2 days -- |<#FF8080> red |<#80FF80> green |<#8080FF> blue | -- [M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end -- <back:blue><color:white><font:arial><size:18>end -- @enduml
If that can help,Regards,Th.
Do not forget the dates also...
See now an explicitly request, for date, days or months, here: