How can I hide parts of a robust state in timing-diagram?

0 votes
asked Oct 8, 2020 in Bug by orje (120 points)
In timing-diagram I can only hide a part of a concise state with "... is {hidden}" but not a robust state. If I do {hidden} appears as an extra line.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 9, 2020 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Not sure to get the idea :-)

Could you post a few examples so that we better understand your need ? Thanks!
commented Oct 13, 2020 by orje (120 points)
Is anything wrong because you do not response?
commented Oct 13, 2020 by plantuml (295,960 points)

Everything is fine ! Thanks for your example, it really helps!

We had better understood your request.

This has been fixed in last beta and on the online server.

scale 1 as 50 pixels

concise state0
concise substate1
robust bit2

bit2 has HIGH,LOW

0 is 18_start
6 is s_dPause
8 is 10_data
14 is {hidden}

0 is sSeq
4 is sPause
6 is {hidden}
8 is dSeq
12 is dPause
14 is {hidden}

0 is HIGH
2 is LOW
4 is {hidden}
8 is HIGH
10 is LOW
12 is {hidden}

Tell us if it's not what you were expecting !

commented Oct 15, 2020 by orje (120 points)
Thanks very much for the fix. This was exactly what I was asking for.

Am I aloud to add a little wish?

Could it be possible that you draw a vertical line from "LOW" to "HIGH" if I start with "0 is HIGH" and "8 is HIGH" even though the before state of the signal is not known or intricated?