How to properly do {hidden} on a timing diagram in version 1.2020.09

0 votes
asked Oct 24, 2020 in Bug by 11l31 (120 points)
recategorized Oct 26, 2020 by 11l31


When using the latest beta, the following example renders the desired result;

Correct result (1.2020.20beta4 / graphviz version 2.38.0) 

With 1.2020.09 / dot graphviz version 2.44.1 The result looks quite different. "{hidden}" is taken literally so it becomes a state.

Is it possible to get the desired result without using plantuml beta version?

expected vs unexpected:


expected result


unexpected result

Source Code:

skinparam DefaultFontName Courier 10 Pitch

scale 1000 as 200 pixels
robust "Profile" as PF
PF has highest,high,medium,low,lowest

@0 as :start
@999 as :linear_end

PF is highest
PF is {hidden}
PF is lowest
PF is {hidden}

PF@:start  -> PF@:linear_end-1

I'd appreciate to learn whether this is a known bug in the previous version which is taken care of, and if there is a workaround for the version that leads to the bug described.


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